Monday, May 21, 2012

Grieving and Fun Funerals (?!)

Dear Diary,
The universe has been begging me to share my thoughts on the subject of death.  They say it is part of life... and now it’s a part of my blog.  (I never really planned to write about death.)  I have been to 5 funerals in the last couple months.

Dealing with the News Initially

Sad and shocking news came recently in many forms- I saw on facebook that an old high school friend passed away.  I got a text from my brother that his best friend’s Dad passed away. I got a phone call from my sister that our uncle unexpectedly died.  I heard word of mouth about the passing of my friend’s grandma and a phone call about my brother in law’s grandpa. Also my best friend’s Dad died late last year.  Thoughts rush through my mind as I hear the news: When was the last time I saw them? Talked to them? Memories flood in.  Who was closest to them and how might they be feeling?     

What do you do when you find out someone has passed? Personally, I get on the phone with my sisters. I want to know the why and the how and what can I do? What should I do?  I look up facebook statuses and find old photos.  And then I wait to hear about what services are being planned- where can I go to gather with others who also knew the one who passed away or their loved ones?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Year's Resolutions in MAY?! Calorie Budget Report!

Who talks about New Year’s Resolutions in May? We do. How you are you doing with yours?  My 2 resolutions had to do with BUDGETING… 1. My money 2. My calories to lose some weight.  Today’s post will revisit the latter. 
I started to count calories (using myfitnesspal app) back in November.  I’ve lost 12+ pounds and I am really happy with how all my clothes fit.  Moreso, I am happy about what I eat and how I feel.   My “pals” who include girlfriends, sisters, mom, cousins, uncles, my husband and everyone else who asks us about it, can’t believe how it works!  It is pure MATH… clear scientific evidence (calories in- calories out)!  Counting calories works to lose weight! Everyone who stuck with it religiously for 12 weeks has made significant healthy changes.  Besides the inches lost, we have had some great laughs and created memories cheering each other on and competing at things.  It has been a fun game to play with each other- for heaven’s sake, my husband special ordered me adidas shoes with “muffintops” embroidered across the heel.  A couple girls got into the “alpha dog” competition at the gym and they kicked BUTT! One of them is advancing to the next round.  I have enjoyed many “plank offs” at parties with these healthy buddies.  My uncle who is 20- years older than me won the last round- darn it!